When Should You Start Worrying About A Mole?

Most individuals are not born with moles. These common skin growths are caused by clusters of small pigmented cells and often emerge as small, dark brown spots. An average adult has between 10 and 40 moles in the body. Although moles are non-cancerous and harmless, they can change over time. Noticing a change in these common skin lesions – be it size, shape or colour – or experiencing irritation can indicate the presence of melanoma, a dangerous skin cancer.
According to the Cancer Council, an estimated 16,878 new cases of melanoma are diagnosed in Australia in 2021.
If you notice a new mole or change in the appearance of your existing mole, it is imperative to visit a mole clinic in Melbourne to identify whether the mole is cancerous. Early detection and treatment can help cure all skin cancer.
Let’s understand,
What are Common Moles?
Common moles – also known as naevi, – they are skin growths developed by a cluster of small pigmented cells (melanocytes). Most moles are common, non-cancerous, and harmless. These common skin growths usually appear on areas exposed to the sun – face, neck, chest area, etc. Common moles are smaller than a quarter-inch, round or oval in shape, has a smooth surface with distinct edges, and are often brown, pink, or tan coloured. These dome-shaped skin growths are harmless and don’t require any treatment. Even so, many individuals prefer to remove their moles because of their position, unslightly appearance, or because they experience irritation when their moles are rubbed against clothing or jewellery.
What are Unusual Moles?
Unusual moles – also known as atypical moles – have varying shape, size, and colour than most common moles. They may appear to be a cosmetic problem rather than medical, but these moles may be a threat to your well-being.
A mole that bleeds, appears suddenly, or changes appearance rapidly, are warning signs to visit your mole clinic. So too, if, your mole delivers pain upon touch, they too can be problematic. Such abnormal skin growths can also indicate signs of skin cancer. If not detected and treated early, it can affect other organs in your body and prove to be life-threatening.
Searching for “mole check near me“? Get in touch with us.
How to Identify Unusual Moles?
Unusual moles should be detected, diagnosed, and treated during the early stages. When left untreated, it can prove to be fatal and life-threatening. However, these uncommon skin growth can be identified easily. Doctors have established a way to help you identify cancerous moles. Consider the criteria known as “ABCDE” –
- Asymmetry – Check whether your mole is asymmetrical. Look out for changes in the texture and compare the one-half shape of the mole to the other.
- Border – Common moles have a smooth surface with even edges. You can easily notice the end of the mole and the start of normal skin. If you notice uneven and rough edges on your existing mole, consider seeking medical assistance.
- Colour – Common moles are usually brown, pink, or tan coloured. However, if your existing mole appears to have a combination of colours, it may indicate skin cancer.
- Diameter – Most moles have a diameter under 6mm. If your mole is over 6mm, consider having it checked by a professional.
- Evolving – Non-cancerous moles don’t change their shape, appearance, or size. If existing shows the sign of evolving, you should seek professional help.
If you find some changes in your existing moles or feel the self-checking process is daunting, you can book an appointment with the best skin doctor in Melbourne, who will further investigate whether the mole is cancerous.
Searching for “best skin doctor near me“? Call us on 03 9739 3830 and book your appointment for your mole check with our professional and highly experienced skin doctors.